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Showing posts from August, 2017

As the saying goes...

As the saying goes, luck is when preparation meets opportunity. Let's analyze. Preparation can be described as training or development. Are you training? Are you building yourself? For some reason it seems to be hard for people to grasp the fact that they have to work hard to get what they want in life. While you go out partying with "Susie"every night, Susie is getting home late after partying to study and work hard. She will go to bed at 4 a.m. working hard while you will go to bed at 4 a.m. because you are up watching Netflix. Don't let Susie hinder you from your success because Susie will never tell you that she has to work hard to get what she wants. Susie herself doesn't believe she is working hard enough. Susie thinks her success is luck but if you knew it all you would understand that Susie's success is based solely on hard-work. "If  a man will not work, he shall not eat."

The Age of Possibilities

Go to college they said. It will bring you success in life. Go to college they said. It will be your stepping stone. Go to college he say, she say, they say, we all say... life will get better. What they don't tell you is that we live in a different day and age.  Shit happens you know. One day the sun is looking down at you and the next you are looking for your flashlight.  No guide. No help. No leader. Just cruising on.  Who ever said life would be so easy definitely lied.  Is it too late to look for your passion.  What am I passionate about? To be honest I am not passionate about anything except for having my own happy family. You know what I want in life? To be happy, okay. Now is that so wrong. Everyone I know wants to be a doctor or a nurse.  But what if I want a life full with possibilities and room to move around.  She whispers in my ear.  A familiar sound you know. I have heard it once before. A sound of peace...