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Showing posts from February, 2017

A review of American Honey the movie (!!!!spoiler alert!!!!)

Before we begin, I have a special mention: the song American Honey by Lady Antebellum. The song in itself is so pure. If you've never heard it before after watching this movie you will surely want to play it over and over again. That is all. In the movie the director deprives the viewers of all personal thoughts. You don't know what is true and what isn't. It may be quite frustrating. Especially for someone like me who enjoys knowing the true emotions of characters. You are forced to rely on just what each person says out loud. It is much like real life. Either you believe it when your mom says she has no money or you don't. Have I grown reliant of the godly powers that directors give to the viewers in order to provide more information and depth to the stories being told? A simple pair of "binoculars" can't seem to do the trick. However. the director does not leave us hanging completely he provides various songs as fillers I'd say, whether you'd...