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Looking Glass

She whispers sweet nothings into my ear.
I listen intently. I don't believe her.
One thing's for certain nothing is perfect in this world.
Giving me compliments every day does nothing for my personal growth.
Only well deserved compliments have merit.
Tell me what I did right and explain where I could make some improvements.
The goal for me is not to be perfect but to do better than I did yesterday.
There is no such thing as perfect and if you expect perfection you will be disappointed every time.
I don't see the glass as half full or half empty. I see a glass that contains something were nothing initially existed. I see progress. I see both sides of the fence. I see the good and the bad.
There is also a grey area. Before I make any decisions I must assess all logically possible areas.
I use to put my own emotional health at risk just to make someone else happy. Not use to, I still do. It's the sad truth. People are humans, unfortunately given the opportunity they might hurt you whether intentional or not. Even when you only do things because you want to the feeling of being treated unfairly is enough to unsettle you. There is nothing I hate more than being treated unfairly. I do things for people because I want to but the least I am asking is that I am not treated like mere dust.
However because of past experiences I have decided that from now on I will put myself above others. Because I love myself more. And anytime I feel the need to do something nice I will go to a homeless shelter to lend a helping hand. Never will I ever let anyone treat me like I don't deserve respect.


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