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There is a song witten by Phyllicia Ross named Can't Resist. That beat to that song reminds me of a loving, tender, and beautiful kind of feeling. Just wanting someone so bad that you feel addicted. It is never safe to be in that situation in an unrequited love. but that feeling in real is so beautiful when it is between two people. An honest kind of pure love that will never die out lest you let your flame diminish. Just listen to the song. I Can't Resist your eyes

What exactly is a courtship? And is it right for you?

A courtship is entering into a relationship or friendship with someone with the intentions of getting married. If you are a Christian than a courtship is the ideal way to follow God's will within that relationship. Having a courtship means letting go of earthly relationship desires until marriage. No physical contact is permitted within that relationship. The relationship is formed between you, your partner, and God. Through that relationship a certain level of respect is created for your partner. You learn how to genuinely care about each other. You no longer want to dominate the relationship. The love between you will grow. Being in that relationship forces you to understand that each of you are individuals going into your individual journeys but choosing to take both your separate journeys together as a couple.

Take the Garbage out!!!

If you are with a man who you feel needs to change who he is simply to make you happy and not for his own good, let that man go. He is not for you. A man who is packaged for you will be so right for you that you will want him with all his flaws. You are whole as a human being. Stop looking for someone to complete you. A person can only complement you. It does not matter how nice someone seems if the person is causing you emotional or physical pain, let that person go. The same rule applies to everyone that comes into your life. If you have a friend who is constantly asking you to change to fit their narrative of what a friend should be, throw that friend away. That friend is not yours. That friend is somebody else's. The reverse can also be said. The only reason you should be asking someone to change or someone should be asking you to change it is if and only if you have a particular habit that is negative and needs an update. If the person is trying to infiltrate your mind wi...

Putting my thoughts down... hahaha don't read this though lol

Over the years I realized that whenever I thought of myself I always criticized everything I did and all my physical attributes. But a good friend of mine once told me that your physique has nothing to do with who you can be or who you are. The good friend said that relying on or worrying about my physical appearance is a waste of time. I always thought that I just had low self esteem. But deep down I always knew who I was and what I was capable of, good or bad. I knew that I could do anything I wanted. But somehow I placed too much emphasis on how I dressed and looked. I have to say everyone is like that, people care how they look. It is the way society functions. But I no longer wanted to care what other's thought of me. No matter what I chose to wear, people would criticize me anyway. I am not waking up each morning for someone else. I am waking up for myself. I am waking up because I am confident that I am capable of achieving my goals. And how I looked had absolutely nothing ...

Secret to my Happiness!

Today is a day where I must give you the gift to what fuels my happiness. One day I simply forgot who I was because I was so busy trying to please everyone else. And when that happened I realized it was high time I defined who I was. That meant only doing things that made me happy and choosing only to do things that I wanted to do. I became happy. Along with that came lots of people who didn't like me, but that comes along with being yourself. Truly loving yourself is being okay with the fact that not everyone will like you. And that has to be okay. No longer doing things just because mom and dad wants you to, but rather researching and explaining why you want to choose a different path. Being respectful and having your facts ready helps in this situation. With that being said I have achieved a level of happiness that I never thought I was missing before. I fell in love with a man who is so in love with who he is that the strength of love that he has for me is inexplicable. The l...

Looking Glass

She whispers sweet nothings into my ear. I listen intently. I don't believe her. One thing's for certain nothing is perfect in this world. Giving me compliments every day does nothing for my personal growth. Only well deserved compliments have merit. Tell me what I did right and explain where I could make some improvements. The goal for me is not to be perfect but to do better than I did yesterday. There is no such thing as perfect and if you expect perfection you will be disappointed every time. I don't see the glass as half full or half empty. I see a glass that contains something were nothing initially existed. I see progress. I see both sides of the fence. I see the good and the bad. There is also a grey area. Before I make any decisions I must assess all logically possible areas. I use to put my own emotional health at risk just to make someone else happy. Not use to, I still do. It's the sad truth. People are humans, unfortunately given the opportunity...

A land full of despair

Truly I say, it must pain you Truly I say, it must hurt you Truly I say, you deserve better A you that's going bad over and over like a record stuck on replay You must lay your baggage down Sleep away to a new day For heaven's not made for everyone And hell isn't made for just anyone Everyone's going out of style, out of town To a land full of despair Truly I say you mustn't follow For there is another way a way out, out of sight.